The Growing Darkness e-ARC sign-up

Thank you for your interest in The Growing Darkness by Sean Gregory. I will be accepting the first 100 requests that meet the criteria below. Sign-ups will close on August 30, 2024 or when the sign-up list is filled, whichever occurs first. The Growing Darkness will be published on Oct 31st but ARCs will be available on September 1, 2024.

Minimum requirements: must love reading, have at least one social media platform listed in the form, be able to read e-books, be 18 years old or older, have acknowledged the CONTENT WARNING, and acknowledged the terms and conditions at the end of the form.

I am looking for honest reviews and will not pay for them. If you charge for reviews, please do not apply to be an ARC reader. I will not accept your request.

Please tag me in all reviews of 3-stars or higher! If you do not like The Growing Darkness please do not tag me in your review, though you are obviously free to post your thoughts as you see fit.

The Growing Darkness deals with dark topics and contains themes that may be triggering for some readers. While it is a work of fiction, The Growing Darkness deals with real trauma, depression, anxiety, and suicide. Before submitting your request to be an ARC reader, please read the CONTENT WARNING, as I have no desire to harm anyone’s mental health. The characters are based on people whom I have lost and love and miss dearly: some to their own inner demons. Please do not sign-up lightly.


  • Suicide and thoughts of suicide

  • Violence

  • Murder & Death

  • Attempted rape & assault

  • Depression & Anxiety

  • Monsters & Horror

  • Atheism & Polytheism & Monotheism


Abandoned by his father and sold into slavery by his mother, Shen wanders the world as a vigilante barely clinging to life. Wracked with guilt over his past, Shen thinks about suicide daily. On his way to finally take his own life, he encounters fraternal twins, Jesma and Jesmir, under attack in the dangerous RhineWoods.

Setting aside his suicidal plans, he chooses to rescue them and discovers they are Royals kidnapped from his home realm. When it is revealed that the culprit is a ruthless Warlord with whom Shen has a personal history, he vows to return them home safely.

But the Warlord is always one step ahead of them. Shen begins to wonder if there isn’t more to the kidnapping than can be seen. When he learns that his connection to the Warlord is deeper than he knew, Shen is forced to face his past and confront things he’s spent a lifetime avoiding, including an old flame who returns to his life unexpectedly.

Can he hold on long enough to return the twins safely home and uncover the plot threatening the world? Or will the forces building against him finally bring about his final day – whether by his own hand or those of his pursuers?

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